PhD student Jan Bajer from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUT, attended the IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, hosted by Politecnico di Milano from June 19-21.
Jan Bajer (on the right) in Milano (photo: IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace)
The conference was focused on metrology in the aerospace industry, which fit appropriately with the BAANG project in which Jan Bajer is involved.
“I also promoted the BAANG project at the conference and talked about it with people from the industry. I think I was able to spread awareness of what we are working on in the project,” says Bajer, who is working on the topic of energy harvesting. He says he found the topics of the metrology conference very new and enriching. Jan also won the Best paper presented by a young researcher award during the conference.
As part of the project, Jan Bajer is due to go on an internship at Imperial College London next spring. “It’s one of the best universities in the world, so I’m looking forward to it, it will definitely enrich me a lot. I’m also curious to see how they approach teaching. I’ve heard that teaching is done very differently and that interests me,“ concludes Bajer.
Photo: IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace