Imperial College London hosted a BAANG project meeting at the second half of May. The Department of Aeronautics is world-leading in research on morphable wings and structural health monitoring, and so Professors Aliabadi and Khodeai organised a series of workshops to present their most important projects and the possibilities of involving PhD students and post-docs in research projects, including to participants from TU Delft, TU Wien and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Brno University of Technology.
On the first day, an afternoon working meeting was held. The second day started with a workshop on “Impact and Science”. Prof. Ferri from Imperial briefly introduced the school itself as well as its institutes and R&D projects, and a discussion developed on the question of cooperation with companies.
In parallel to this lecture, BAANG administrative support met with project support representatives at the Department of Aeronautics to gain inspiration. Later in the day, the Graduate School at Imperial College London was introduced to the meeting participants. The last working session focused on postdoctoral development.
Good practice was also shared under the topic of coaching on campus. Imperial College London offers coaching support at student, postdoc and staff level. This form of support is offered free of charge to the target groups. It is one form of supporting the target groups in their work and at the same time helping them to find a personal and professional balance, as, if students are satisfied, they tend not to give up their studies. Sharing of good practice also took place in the area of Data Management.